There have been a few instances over the years of players being named incorrectly on their football card. But everyone makes mistakes – commentators get the players wrong all the time!

Lets take a look at a few they got wrong!

The famous 1969 Footscray cock-up – all 4 players names were wrong.

The Fred Cook card features Ron McGowan, who’s card shows VFA legend Fred Cook. The David Thorpe card actually features Ivan Marsh, who’s card in turn shows a young David Thorpe strutting his stuff.

To compound this mess-up, Scanlens continued to pour the misery on Ron McGowan, who’s 1972 card again features (by then long departed) Ivan Marsh. Someone sack that photographer’s assistant!

*Thanks to Ron McGowan for the update!

1976 Graeme Tulloch, Richmond

Apart from suffering the indignity of never getting a senior call up at Richmond, insult was added to injury when it turned out that his only card actually depicts another player:

“Obviously its my name on the card but its actually Cameron Clayton (in the photo). I was in line for a senior game but missed out at the selection table. Graeme Richmond wanted me in. Anyway these things happen. I didn’t know anything about it until some collector from Sydney showed me the card. We both look similar.”

Graeme Tulloch, 2007

1977 no’s 89 & 94 – Geelong players Graeme Landy & Murray Witcombe were mixed up. That’s Landy (a left footer) on the left.
1975 again and a mix-up between North’s Ken Montgomery and Paul Feltham (thanks to Paul Dooley’s keen eye)

Geelong’s Murray Witcombe is once again involved in a mix up, this time with Bryan Cousins – Ben’s dad.

Surprised he didn’t sue Scanlens.

A couple of Swans players they got wrong in 1981. On the left, the card for Steve Wright is actually his brother Michael, and on the right “Rod” Carter isactually Peter Carter – no relation.
…And again in 1982, the curse of struck again at the Swans, with Paul incorrectly appearing on older brother Tony Morwood’s card.
In 1985 the curse moved to Melbourne, as a young Greg Healy showed up on his brother Gerard Healy’s card.
Paul O’Brien could be forgiven for thinking he should have been paid double for appearing in Scanlens 1982 series… twice. On the left is his actual card, and on the right, here’s Paul again, on the card intended for Michael Seddon.

Know of any others?

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